Harold - The Conceptual Sovereign
An ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5 years old) version of the Gospel of the Twin Truths for Mankind @ The [Re]Assembled Gospel of Thomas
Watch: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mp6rp (6+ minutes)
Pivotal moments:
4:30 Harold resting: to reflect & think
4:45 Harold realizing: "This is only a picture"
4:50 Harold discarding the old: "X" Cross - ing out the existing picture
4:55 Harold re-cognizing himself: ’I am not big or little. I am my usual size"
5:20 Harold re-drawing & re-confirming: "Yes, I am my usual size" (Act & Reflect)
5:30 Harold realizing his original purpose: A picture for his room. He drew it - himself.